Babble Darkroom

Stevie ThompsonBabble, News

    So, tomorrow I have the great fortune to have a week at The Brewhouse Theatre, Taunton, to explore the development of a new show for Early Years: Babble. Supported by the Hopper Consortium, (Surrey Arts, Take Art and China Plate) and The Arts Council, England, we will be spending some of our residency at a local nursery, playing with our … Read More

What’s Happenin’?

Stevie ThompsonBallet Cat, HAH!, News, Productions, Workshops

It has been a while since we posted, but Flibbertigibbet has been busy formalising, planning and devising! Firstly, we are delighted to be part of this: “Hopper is a two-year pilot project that will create opportunities for young children to experience great art and culture in Early Years (EY) settings, such as pre-schools, nurseries, Foundation Stage in schools, libraries, village … Read More

Interactive theatre for children

Stevie ThompsonBabble, HAH!, News

I just read this really interesting article about different models of interactive theatre for children from 2015. I am currently thinking about the Hah! Project and what form the work will take as it develops. I want to ensure the relationship with the audience is developed in a meaningful way. Do click on the youtube links to see some interesting examples … Read More


Stevie ThompsonNews


I am such a Luddite when it comes to technology and everything takes longer than it should. It is a shame, because the possibilities of technology using in creating theatre is amazing! Oh, to be whizzy….. (me, this morning)  

End of Year

Stevie ThompsonBallet Cat, HAH!, News

So, we are heading to the end of the year, Flibbertigibbet has the beginnings of 2 new pieces of theatre and are looking forward to developing the pieces further next year. I just wanted to thank everyone, associates, friends and family who have helped make the work, advised, supported and been a sounding board to ideas whirling around my head! … Read More


Stevie ThompsonNews   So , everyone’s talking – they all want to know the meaning of Flibbertigibbet – even on Just A Minute! (Radio 4 Mon 30th May 2016)  Sheila Hancock, Gyles Brandreth, John Finnemore, Paul Merton, and of course, Nicholas Parsons, maybe they should have checked out our front page and we could have enlightened them!